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5 Key steps to succeed at anything - Video


Take these 5 key steps to succeed against all odds at anything. Successful people on the other hand continue to apply certain key principles and repeatedly achieve vital wins at various levels, even against all odds. If you want to be part of the latter group, then you may consider taking these 5 key steps to succeed against all odds at anything.



A friend once said to me that successful people are lucky people with at least some sort of support system . Indeed this is the mindset of many people today and the only thing they succeed at is seeing the thousand and one reasons why everyone else is succeeding but they aren’t. If you are reading this and perhaps suspect that you might be unknowingly operating at such a level, now you know better. "NOTHING GOOD IS IMPOSSIBLE" dearly distinguished reader. Lets go for gold, shall we?

Immigration: Is accent change equivalent to being fake?


Accent change following immigration is not equivalent to being fake. This was the categorical response of Chat GPT when I typed the controversial question into the artificial intelligence (AI) supported chatbot. Accents often change naturally when someone is immersed in a new linguistic environment. This change can be influenced by various factors, such as the desire to be understood, to fit in socially, or simply through frequent exposure to different speech patterns. Do well to watch the very expository topic related video below and do not hesitate to post your raw thoughts in the comments section below. I spoke to a Nigerian-British UK born Doctor on the subject. See what she had to say.


The aim of this article is not to encourage immigrants to necessarily strive for accent change or lose their identity, as some have argued. If any individual however decided to fully immerse themselves in the local accent of the community they find themselves, then whatever their reason may be, the point of the above video and the rest of this article, is to prove that they are not being fake. Here are some key points for those who are still on the fence:

  1. Adaptation and Communication: People may subconsciously adjust their accents to be better understood by those around them. This is a natural part of language adaptation and communication.

  2. Social Integration: Adopting elements of a new accent can help immigrants integrate into their new community. It might make it easier to form social connections and feel a sense of belonging.

  3. Psychological Factors: Over time, accents can change without deliberate effort as a result of prolonged exposure to a new linguistic environment. This is a natural cognitive process rather than a conscious decision to "fake" an accent.

  4. Identity and Authenticity: While some might worry that changing their accent is inauthentic, language and identity are fluid. A person can have multiple ways of speaking, and shifting accents doesn't necessarily mean they're abandoning their original identity.

In essence, an accent change following immigration can be a natural, adaptive process rather than an act of being fake. It's part of how humans navigate new social and linguistic environments. In my personal opinion it is by no means a compulsory adaptation but if people pay loads of money to learn a new language or to improve their spoken English in several parts of the world, what's the big deal with genuine accent change towards better flow of the local diction? I am genuinely interested to know what your thoughts are. 

Article, Video production and direction by: Dr Oghenekevwe Daniel Ogidigben

TENNIS: Is Novak Djokovic/The Paris 2024 Olympic Gold Medallist Your New G.O.A.T.?


  After beating Carlos Alcaraz in straight sets to clinch the Paris 2024 Men's Tennis Olympic gold medal, is Novak Djokovic your new Men's Tennis greatest of all time? 

What a career!!!! See how the titles stack up below:

Grand Slam Titles:

 1. Australian Open: 10 titles (2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023)
 2. French Open: 3 titles (2016, 2021, 2023) 
3. Wimbledon: 7 titles (2011, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022)
 4. US Open: 4 titles (2011, 2015, 2018, 2023) 

 ATP Finals 

* ATP Finals: 6 titles (2008, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2022) 

ATP Masters 1000 Titles

 *Djokovic has won 39 ATP Masters 1000 titles, a record he shares with Rafael Nadal. His victories span all nine tournaments in this category.

 ATP 500 and 250 Titles

* Djokovic has also claimed numerous titles in the ATP 500 and 250 series tournaments throughout his career.

  Davis Cup

 **Davis Cup**: 1 title with Serbia (2010)

  Olympic Games 

 **Bronze Medal: Beijing 2008 & now Paris 2024!!!

  Djokovic's consistent performance across different surfaces and tournaments highlights his versatility and resilience, making him one of the greatest tennis players in history. Dearest Tennis fans/Readers, if I have omitted anything or added extra spice, please feel free to let us know in the comments section. I will discuss his recent injury and controversies around the surgery in another post.

By: Dr Oghenekevwe Daniel Ogidigben

Celebrating Me: A Personal Journey Through Birthday Reflections

 As I mark and celebrate another year on the calendar of life, introspection becomes a companion, whispering reflections in the corridors of my mind. Birthdays are not merely chronological markers; they are chapters in the book of one's existence.

In the rearview mirror of memory, I see a collage of moments, each imprinting its significance on the canvas of my journey. Triumphs and tribulations weave a tapestry that tells a story of resilience, growth, and self-discovery. The past year brought its own set of challenges, akin to a series of puzzle pieces that required patient assembly. Through adversity, I found strength and resilience I didn't know I possessed. The echoes of laughter and the weight of tears have carved deeper wells of empathy within me, connecting me to the shared human experience.

Accomplishments, both big and small, shimmer like stars in the night sky of reminiscence. Each goal achieved, every lesson learned, and the evolution of my character stand as testaments to the ceaseless motion of personal growth. Birthdays are not just about candles on a cake; they are milestones that measure the distance traveled on the winding road of self-discovery. In the quiet moments of contemplation, I also acknowledge the friendships that have weathered the seasons of change. Like anchors in the tempest, these connections provide solace and joy, shaping the contours of my support network.

Looking ahead, I am met with the unknown, a horizon painted with the hues of possibilities. The future is an unwritten chapter, waiting for me to pick up the pen and craft the narrative. It's a thrilling yet humbling prospect, a blank canvas awaiting the strokes of my choices and actions.

As the candles flicker on the birthday cake, I am not just commemorating the passage of time; I am celebrating the symphony of experiences that have composed the melody of my life. Gratitude fills my heart for the gift of existence and the opportunity to continue this extraordinary journey. Another year older, wiser, and infinitely grateful for the intricate mosaic of moments that define my story.

Throwback Thursday: A Peek into My Work Stairs Climbing Diary

By: Microsoft image creator from Designer

The relentless rants about increasing physical activity whilst at work led to my sweet and sour relationship with the stairs that connect the 10 floors of the District Hospital I worked as a General Practice Specialty Registrar and opening of this imaginary diary. Some days I flew up the landings to the 8th floor where I worked, sprinting like I had been training for the olympics. Other days, especially after having a heavy lunch, I would find myself plodding slowly and panting like I had ran the London marathon the previous day. The shinning and inviting doors of the lifts had to be avoided at all cost and every calorie that could be burnt had to be utilised towards the endless journey of general wellbeing. Whatever the case was, there were always other members of staff climbing as well, either speeding past me and silently exposing the fact that I had to do more to increase my fitness levels or, taking it one step at a time and demonstrating that showing up at all was a win in it's own right, no matter the amount of extra calories burnt on the upward trip to whatever ward/office.

By: Microsoft image creator from Designer

What's your story?

By: Dr Oghenekevwe Daniel Ogidigben B.Sc.,M.B.B.S., MRCGP

Fitness Resolutions: How Apps Can Strengthen Your Resolve


By: Microsoft image creator from Designer

At the beginning of each year, one of the top priorities on the list of resolutions for many individuals is improved fitness through regular exercise activity. There is well documented and proven evidence that regular exercise in whatever form, is crucial for maintenance of both physical and mental wellbeing. This resolution is thus very much in order. I don't know about you but as I have personally witnessed with myself in the past and with close associates, without a clear guide to create some structure/motivate continuity, the tendency to lose steam and focus few to several weeks into the year is almost a certainty. Coming across the monthly challenges guide via the fitness app on my apple series 5 watch few years ago, strengthened my resolve and helped me maintain some structured continuity through the year. It doesn't have to be Apple and mustn't be a watch. Get your hands on a fitness app to guide you and take full advantage of the monthly challenges to improve the chances of making good on your fitness related resolutions this year.

My January has started off with the task of burning at least 845 kilocalories per day 14 times. It looks easy doesn't it? Go for it and return here to tell us what you think in the comments section if you may 😁. With the sedentary nature of life in todays modern society, I personally find that I have to be intentional to achieve my target. Measures like taking a walk immediately after my lunch break and going for my 400 meter pool swim after work have come in quite handy. Otherwise, I'll be lucky to even burn up to 400 kilocalories on a regular day. For those who are on top of their game and killing it constantly, do well to share what you are doing with us in the comments section. You might motivate a few people you know.

January 2023 was awesome and it was such a pleasure to complete at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday 20 times to clench the award that month. Once you earn one, the zeal to earn more increases and this ultimately leads to the cumulative effects people get with not only weight maintenance or loss but also, in areas such as muscle strengthening and improvement of cardiovascular health. 


Having won all the awards from January 2023 to November, moving enough to be able to burn 1000 kilocalories everyday (my move goal) 9 times was supposed to be a piece of cake. You can however see in the image below that, I could not earn this award until the 16th of the month. This might sound good to some readers but my aim here is simply to show that I am not writing this blog as a super human or exercise guru. Just like many of you reading this, I also struggle and believe it or not, there are days of minimal exercise activity for me. The fact that there is a monthly challenge to complete/award to earn however motivates me to get back on track another day. Very importantly the ultimate reward of improved fitness and health outcomes in the short to long term has to be the main motivation and where there is a will, there is also going to be a way. 

In addition to the above physical benefits, also remember that, physical exercise activity has been demonstrated to lead to the release of endorphins, a special chemical that has been referred to by some scientists to be one of the " feel good hormones" of the brain. Endorphins when released, do not only reduce stress and anxiety but has also been proven to enhance mood and even reduce pain to some extent. Regular physical exercise has also been reported to lead to improved cognitive function, memory and focus. The holistic benefits of regular physical activity and as much as possible optimum fitness, underscore a pivotal role in fostering a healthy and balanced lifestyle. So the need to maintain a year round routine can not be overemphasised and if fitness apps are able to guide you accordingly, what are you waiting for?

By: Microsoft image creator from Designer

By: Dr Oghenekevwe Daniel Ogidigben B.Sc., M.B.B.S., MRCGP

Welcome to 2024: Happy New Year


Welcome to 2024 dearly beloved. We wish you all a healthy, safe, happy and prosperous year ahead. Always remember that, no matter what, NOTHING GOOD IS IMPOSSIBLE! Approach the year like you have no restrictions, as we all must, blazing on all cylinders from today (1st January 2024) till the last day of this year (31st December 2024), as much as possible. In this new year/chapter, may you find the strength to overcome challenges, the wisdom to make the right choices, and the courage to pursue your dreams. Remember that success is not just about reaching the destination but savouring the journey. Cherish each moment, learn from every experience, and grow with every challenge.

By: Microsoft image creator from Designer

May this New Year bring us all joy, fulfilment, and a renewed sense of purpose. You have the power to shape your destiny, so seize the opportunity and make 2024 your best year yet. Happy New Year!

With love from all of us at Dr Kevwe's Blog 🎉

Finding Silver Linings: Reasons to be Grateful for 2023


As I sit back to reflect on how my 2023 panned out, I begin to realise the more and affirm that, despite the myriad of temporary set backs, several reasons abound for myself and family to cultivate gratitude. In my opinion and that of experts/successful life coaches like Rhonda Byrne, the author of the highly acclaimed audio book and film, The Secret, the only way to foster a positive outlook towards the in coming year is to find these silver linings, reflect on and savour the feeling of winning no matter how small, then remain thankful for the many more good things to come. Personally, against all odds, that 2023 was an amazing year for myself and my family is an understatement. From completing for our mortgage and moving into our home, to successful immigration applications for settlement status in the United Kingdom, to completing my General Practice/post-graduate medical training, all in great physical health and sound minds, it's been a dream come through year for us. What reasons do you have to be grateful for 2023? 

By: Microsoft  image creator from Designer

For some people it's advancements in medical science that continue to unfold, offering hope for improved health and well-being in the year to come/future ahead. For others it's the ongoing global collaboration to address pressing issues, such as climate change and pandemics, and how all of this stands as a testament to human resilience and cooperation. Some see the ever evolving world of  technological innovations as a source of gratitude, especially those who have been able to take advantage of resultant daily life enhancements and the new possibilities created. Some are excited about the ever-expanding realm of renewable energy and it's promised contribution to a sustainable future, mitigating environmental concerns. A good number are thankful for access to information and how education has become more widespread, empowering individuals worldwide. What are you thankful for when you think about 2023?

By: Microsoft image creator from Designer

For the majority, in the face of so much uncertainty with everyday life, personal connections and the support of loved ones remain invaluable, contributing to improving emotional well-being. The recognition and prioritization of mental health/general wellbeing by individuals/various stakeholders around the world, underscore a growing awareness of holistic self-care, leading to opportunities for personal and professional growth, allowing individuals to pursue their passions and aspirations. Did 2023 open this gate for you? No matter the number of temporary challenges faced, does anything make you feel like 2023 has set you up to walk into a candy city in 2024? 

By: Microsoft image creator from Designer

With all the positivity and optimism expressed the the paragraphs above, I do appreciate that the same is not the case for many individuals/families. Some people have lost dearest love ones to either ailments of various sorts, natural disasters or even man made wars. The year has been a shit show for others and there does not appear to be anything significant to be thankful for. This however does not have to be the case moving forward. As long as there is life there can be hope, and as we navigate the complexities of the modern world, the ability to savour moments of joy and simplicity become a cherished aspect of life. Gratitude, therefore, becomes not only a sentiment but a transformative force that enriches our lives and strengthens our connection to the world around us. For those who are struggling, do well to hang in there till you see and enjoy the beautiful light at the end of whatever tunnel you currently find yourself.

By: Microsoft image creator from Designer

On behalf of myself and the rest of the team at Dr Kevwe's Blog, I say a very big thank you to you our highly esteemed readers for making our 2023 special. Every time you clicked into the blog this year, it felt like we won a lottery. We want to wish you and your families a safe, healthy, happy and prosperous new year ahead. Let's work together in the new year to make 2024 the best year yet for us all.

By: Dr Oghenekevwe Daniel Ogidigben B.Sc., M.B.B.S., MRCGP