2017 DIETARY GOALS- What Are You Up To?


It's over 2 weeks into 2017 and I am very sure that many of us did set dietary goals, just to meet up with weight targets. Take note that I mentioned weight targets. Other conventional Health Bloggers will mention weight loss, missing out the very true fact that, as much as many overweight/obese people want to lose weight, underweight people more than ever before, are putting in super efforts to gain weight.  Bum-less & boob-less ladies want to enhance their lots and who can blame them? So whatever side of the divide you fall,what are you up to this year? Are you going big on colourful plates of different varieties of salads or  sticking to fruit menus in all sorts of delicacies?

 Don't get it all twisted on me now people. Quell the curiosity. I am trying to eat right in order to transform from overweight to normal weight and I am going all mixed diet. WHAT ARE YOU UP TO DIET WISE???


  1. Getting the winning diet right is no mean feat. Sometimes you just have to freestyle in moderation. That's where I am.

  2. Wow. Don't have the network

  3. I'm on neither side of the divide. Besides, I hardly use the weighing scale. I work mainly with what I see in the mirror. So I'm just eating healthy to stay healthy.
