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Can care ever be too much for our mothers (for those still alive) and the mothers of the future to come? I still remember with laughter now, how I used to mention so quickly,"5 kids",whenever I was asked how many biologic children I planned to father. Not until I stepped into the Labour room as a medical student,did I appreciate even the more, my darling mum and her mum(my grandma);both of blessed memory now. I also immediately in advance began to appreciate as at then, my unknown better half to be and changed my naive "5 kids" illusion to 2 or possibly 3,God willing. As a General Practitioner, I reserve my comments about what I have seen women go through in labour but those who have the experience and men who have stood by to support them know all about it; certainly not child's play. Our mothers and the mothers of the future to come deserve all the information they require to remain healthy through every stage of life.
👀:https://web.facebook.com/evuarherhe.ufuoma/photos |
My mother and her mother were two distinguished women who passed away 1 decade apart as a result of complications associated with one ailment-
Hypertension. It later dawned on me after a few months as a House Physician that,if only we had been appropriately/better informed, perhaps those two heroines might still have been around. Today, there are a wide variety of health concerns that threaten the happiness of many families via the women folk. Ranging from issues of Sub-fertility to maternal mortality; social cases of slavery,abuse and trafficking or even genital mutilation- the list seems endless but our resolve is to disseminate as much relevant information as we can,until our work begins to contribute a significant aspect of decreased morbidity and mortality rates on the African Continent and beyond.
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Thank God that things are looking up worldwide,with respect to health outcomes amongst the woman folk. There is more sensitisation today than ever before about the importance of keeping our mothers and the mothers of the future to come,as well as our sisters,healthy. We must never forget that a woman is the "mother of mothers" who eventually beget generations and "sons",through whom the Almighty Creator makes the joint process of procreation a reality. Keep visiting for vital/selected topics that will increase your knowledge and influence your health attitude towards optimum health.
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