The Secret Superpowers of Fruits: Why You Should Eat More

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Imagine three succulent superheroes—Apple, Carrot, and Black Grapes—each with a unique superpower to keep you strong, happy, and full of energy. These fruit warriors and many others, are not just delicious but also packed with secret benefits that your body needs every day. Over the years my relationship with fruits has been up and down like a yoyo, as one of my neighbour would usually exclaim! I had to learn the hard way, not only feeling tired most of the time in my attempt to avoid Carbs and lose weight but, constipation was fast becoming my second nature and my eyes felt like they were aging faster than my eye sockets could keep up with. If only I had realised way earlier that fruits were not just fruits for the sake of it, I would have avoided some of the suffering I had to put up with in the past. In the last several years, I have considered them to be superheroes that have the potential of meeting not only vital nutritional needs required by my body to thrive but also, essential for some of the very important protective processes that naturally occur in various parts of our bodies. In this post, we will take a brief look at how apples, carrots and black grapes can make a positive difference to your physical wellbeing. 

Apple: The Energy Booster

Apples are like power packed batteries that keep you going all day. Ever felt tired in the middle of the day? Instead of grabbing a sugary snack, consider eating an apple! The complex mix of sugars, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals like polyphenols , provides natural energy and keeps your stomach full for longer, amongst other numerous benefits. The fibre component of apples encourages bowel movement if you get what I mean 😉  and, polyphenols have been documented to help your tummy stay happy and healthy . "An apple a day they say, keeps the doctor away". It's not that simple but it certainly does make up one of your 5 fruit portions and can work more wonders for your body than you can imagine.

Carrot: The Eye Protector

Carrots have been referred to by some researchers as the guardian of your eyesight. Think of it as a tiny pair of invisible glasses that protect your eyes from getting weak. Whether you’re watching TV, reading, or playing video games, the beta carotene in carrots are a precursor to vitamin A which  helps keep your vision sharp. Eating a healthy amount of carrots can also protect the skin from sun damage and deliver a natural glow that many didn't think possible. Ever seen skin products with beta carotene on the labels? Now you know why.

Black Grape: The Heart Defender

Black Grapes are small but powerful! In addition to being a rich source of  Vitamins A and C, Researchers have reported high levels of antioxidants like anthocyanins and resveratrol with potential cardiovascular 🫀 benefits that result in better flow within the blood vessels of the heart and brain 🧠, resulting in better functioning (assuming all other determinants of optimal cardiovascular health are in check ✅). The best part some might say? It’s super sweet and tastes like nature’s candy!

Why Should You Eat Fruits Every Day?

Fruits like Apple, Carrot, and Black Grapes work together to make you stronger, healthier, and full of energy. They fight sickness, protect your body, and make you feel great. Instead of choosing unhealthy snacks, grab a fruit and let these superheroes work their magic! So next time you’re hungry, remember your fruity superheroes waiting for their mission—on your plate!

By Dr. Oghenekevwe Daniel Ogidigben

B.Sc. Human Physiology, MBBS, MRCGP

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