Showing posts with label featured. Show all posts
Showing posts with label featured. Show all posts

Compliments of the season


Compliments of the season from myself and the rest of the team to “DR KEVWE’S BLOG” readers and “DR KEVWE TV” watchers all around the world. We’ve not been consistent with blogging or Vlogging but some of you have continued to peep back in to encourage /motivate us. Whilst 2022 came with various challenges, one of which was ‘creators block’ for me, there were also wonderful and encouraging aspects to the year. As the activities of the year quickly grind to an end, holding unto the positives and running with the energy into 2023 is a no brainer. We are wishing everyone a happy & prosperous new year in advance. 




On the 8th of September 2022, I was at work when the news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II sent shock waves across the world. At the ripe age of 96 and after over 70 years of serving your people diligently, you peacefully slept on, for others to continue with the greatness of the legacy that you built over the decades of your existence. The classical example of a life lived to the fullest.


I didn't have the opportunity to meet the Queen in person but one way or the other, she had been introduced to us and remained a constant there after, in all our lives. From the South South Rainforest regions of West Africa, myself and other kids sang and danced to the nursery rhyme that verbally illustrated a "cat going to London to visit the Queen". Social Studies then introduced Colonialism to us and from my understanding via the history books, you inherited a Kingdom whose major international business for many years was Global Trade, exploration and territory acquisition. Some still associate your memory with this business but those who followed your modern reign closely can confirm that, you have a heart of gold filled with nothing but love and kindness through and through. I watched part of the message you gave on your first visit to Dublin and you clearly reflected on how many things could have been approached and done differently, if the hand of time were to be turned back.

Credit: Mr Kevin P.Burke and the Burke Children Private Collection - via The Economist

The Queen was the embodiment of true service to her people and the commonwealth. Behind all the earthly power and glory, there was a beautiful, compassionate, caring and God fearing woman/mother/grandmother/great grandmother. The current testimonials say it all and it's obviously as clear as day light that, in our life time, there will never be another Queen to take your place in our hearts. Rest in strength great one.

By Dr Oghenekevwe Daniel Ogidigben

International Women's Day 2022:Can We Break The Bias?

IWD Zoom background via

 Today, Tuesday 8th of March, is International Women's Day 2022 and this year the theme is "BREAK THE BIAS" but amidst all the campaigning and events across the world, the silent question begging for a genuine answer is, can we break the bias? If you were a male or female recruiter mandated to get Experts behind the computers in the office depicted above, will you employ 3 women and 3 men accordingly?

 Will your choices be free of: bias, stereotypes and discrimination? 

Will your choices be: diverse, equitable and inclusive?

Can we break the bias? My personal answer is, YES WE CAN #BreakTheBias and here is how:

If you were born of a woman; have a sister or a daughter, then best time to act is now!

This has nothing to do with who is the head of the family or not! 

Yes we all have to help forge a gender equal world; everything will be much better, wouldn't it?

Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias !!! I hope women all around the world have had a meaningful day's celebration and still doing so. Our heart break for innocent women and children in Ukraine right now. All we can do for you is pray that things get back to normal for you and your husbands, fathers and brothers. Hopefully, some day, we will raise our heads in confidence and say, we all played our roles to #BreakTheBias.

Reference & Resources:

ANNOUNCEMENT: "University Of Port-Harcourt Doctors In The United Kingdom" End Of Year Party, Swindon - Graphic Jingle!

This announcement/ Graphic Jingle is to invite all Doctors who graduated from the University of Port-Harcourt, Choba, Rivers State and currently resident in the United Kingdom, for our upcoming end of year Party. See Poster above for address. Date is Saturday,11th December, 2021. Please save it and book your annual leave ahead, if you work in the hospital and likely to be On Call.

Some of us have been in a whatsApp group for a few years now and have already started planning what promises to be a massively fun outing for ourselves and our family members. We know that there's more Doctors of Unique background not in our whatsApp group, thus this announcement, as we would like to see everyone and get to discuss becoming a more formal group, as the case may be. 

We look forwards to seeing you and your family there. 🍾🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂.

For R.S.V.P. and more information on our token contribution to make the event flawless, send a whatsApp message or SMS : 07404293150. 

Dr. Oghenekevwe Daniel Ogidigben - for planning Committee. 

TENNIS:How Naomi Osaka Surprised Fans To Become US Open 2020 Tennis Women's Champion!

 If you are a true Tennis Fan, then it's no longer news to you that Naomi Osaka is the US Open 2020 Tennis Women's Champion. The big mystery is how she managed to pull that unbelievable come back, losing the first set 1-6 to initially furnace blazing and 2-time Grand slam winner, Victoria Azarenka; and then going on to finally win the game: 1-6, 6-3, 6-3!Age related fitness? Athleticism? Determination? What was the magic?

Image by: Simon Bruty/USTA

Whatever the case may be, the mixed shock/inspiration of this feat by Naomi Osaka made me snap out from the writers block I had been suffering from. Work got really busy and suddenly, I could not find any mental space to write until, demonstration of sheer determination and good Tennis made the blood vessels in my brain overflow with inspiration.

Massive congratulations to Naomi Osaka and her Team. 3 Grand slam trophies on the shelf at 22 years of age and $3 million US Dollars added to overall price money wins. Absolutely astonishing! Let's wait to see what the Men's Final between Dominic Thiem and Alexander Zverev has to offer later today.


Naomi Osaka Rallies Past Victoria Azarenka To Win 2020 US Open Women's Single Title|USOPEN

World Blood Donor Day 2020 - How Safe Blood From A God Sent Donor Turned My Case Around!

Today is World Blood Donor Day and we decided to feature the real life story told by a grateful recipient below, to illustrate why more people must become regular Blood Donors and the importance of safe blood in the overall wellbeing of recipients.

"On a faithful Wednesday Evening, I was on my way to church for Bible study meeting, when the motor cycle I was a passenger on, ran into a pothole, lost control and collided into a car. Although I had literarily been involved in a Road Traffic Accident, there was no external injury when I got up from the floor. I thought I had luckily escaped being hurt, until I attempted to urinate and noticed that, instead of urine, all that came out was bright red blood! I was rushed to a nearby Government Hospital and  was immediately referred by the Doctors-On Call to the Teaching Hospital about an hour's journey from Town. Upon arrival to the Accident & Emergency Department of the Teaching Hospital, we realised that, waiting time would be another hurdle to being seen. All this while, I was bleeding non-stop  from the opening at the tip of my penis. I eventually got seen after a few hours and Doctors realised that, I had sustained a tear in the urine pipe referred to as the urethra. I got weaker and weaker as I bled my life out. The Doctors had to urgently transfuse a pint of blood  before I was taken into theatre for emergency urethral repair by the Urology Team. Fast forward to a few weeks after I arrived at that Emergency Department, with 2 Units of blood already transfused and 2 failed repairs, I was still bleeding from my water works. As if my troubles were not enough, I eventually had a blood transfusion reaction and I felt like the earth was opening up to swallow me from my blood soaked bed in the Men's Surgical Ward. I needed blood to stay alive but i was reacting to what was available in the Blood Bank. A suitable blood Donor was certainly needed but I honestly didn't have a clue, where that person would come from. My Dad was said not to be suitable because of his age and other issues and my sister had just had a baby. I remember being told that, if I didn't get suitable blood transfused within 24 hours, I would be at high risk of dying. My Dad and sister began to cry inconsolably. All I could do in my helpless state was, pray to God to show His face in my situation and He did by bringing Dr. Kevwe my way. Before the 24 hour timeline would run out the next morning, I surprisingly saw Dr. Kevwe in the Men's Surgical Ward. He was a student then. There were no pleasantries to be exchanged. I can still visualise the shock on his face, as he listened to me, whilst I laid on my Surgical Ward bed in so much agony, with a plastic linen on top the bedsheet and a  bowl under the bed, to prevent the dripping blood from staining the bed linen repeatedly or the floor. After listening patiently, he told me that, he needed to run off to write a test and would return to see me later on. A few hours later, Dr. Kevwe returned and to my utter surprise, volunteered for his blood to be tested and matched with mine. That was the turning point for me. His blood was a perfect match. The junior Doctor got the unit of blood transfused and I was taken into theatre the same Evening, for a second repeat repair that eventually turned out successful. Although I ended up spending several months in the Hospital, my life was saved after that blood transfusion; all thanks to God and Dr. Kevwe" ~ Felix Godswill 

On the 14th Day of June every year, the World Health Organisation and associated Organisations/Stakeholders mark "World Blood Donor Day", to celebrate those who have/continue to donate lifesaving  blood and to increase awareness on the need for more people to volunteer to become blood donors. For more information about this special day, refer to the reference below.



World Environment Day 2020: Why I Am Celebrating Nature's Biodiversity With Images!

Rookery Lake, London Borough of Bromley.

I have decided to "celebrate biodiversity" with images, on this special 5th Day of June, as my own way of joining The United Nations, other stakeholders and Environmental enthusiasts, in marking World Environment Day 2020. Although I had always had some sort of relationship with the environment, from early days of Farming with my late Grandmother; to learning how to swim; interacting with plants and animals for research during pre-Medical School Days, not until this year, did I really appreciate the  importance of the environment to mankind and the complex role that, every aspect of  nature played in ensuring that, there was balance in the overall scheme of things. Following several weeks of lockdown and many hours of indoor dwelling because of the current pandemic, restrictions were eventually eased and when I stepped out to take a 1 hour walk, the environment around me felt different. The air was fresh and pleasant to inhale; the grass and trees in the park looked beautiful; the birds complemented the scenery and every other creature seemed to just be in the right place, at the right time. There was a healing sensation to the feel! At this point, all I could think about was, heading into the woods to just take it all in. This was where  I got the inspiration to take these pictures and began to think that, of a truth, the environment and indeed, every facet of nature must be celebrated in one way or another. It was time for nature!
Rookery Lake, London Borough of Bromley.



Elmfield Woods , London Borough of Bromley.

I'm not an Environmentalist but we all know that, Environmental disruptions can have health consequences and thus, we all need to care for and appreciate nature, as much as possible. Some actually believe that, nature is trying to send us a message with the COVID-19 Pandemic but I am not in a position to comment on that school of thought. What I do know is that, every aspect of nature is vital to human existence and environmental stability can play a massive role in overall wellbeing. More than ever before, I am inspired and determined to do what I can to preserve the integrity of the environment around me and so should we all. For more information about this special day and what stakeholders are doing in different parts of the world to improve their environment, kindly refer to the references below. Many thanks for clicking in. Your time means a lot to us.

World Environment Day|United Nations

World Environment Day|5 June 2020

World Environment Day|Biodiversity

World Health Day 2020:Why We Must #SupportNursesAndMidwives - WHO.

Today (April 7th), is World Health Day 2020 and the World Health Organisation (WHO) in partnership with stakeholders all over the world, have dedicated this year to recognising  the critical role that, Nurses and Midwives play all over the world, to as much as possible, make our lives a healthier and happier place. From my personal experience as a qualified Medical Doctor, I can testify that, nurses and midwives are a very important part of the Healthcare team and without their vital contributions on a daily basis, global health will be at risk of collapse. From the indirect but important role they play in the training of even Doctors like me, to the amazing support and compassion they provide on any clinical front, be it in the ongoing fight against the Coronavirus pandemic or every other day work responsibilities in any Healthcare setting, thank goodness that, it has become clearly evident that, Nurses and Midwives must be supported to continue to do what they do and even get better at it.

I will not go into long tales of how Nurses and midwives have positively affected my practice but you can be sure that, they certainly have and I am forever grateful and thankful to all the amazing Nurses and midwives that have supported me at every point of my professional development. You and your colleagues all around the world, deserve all the recognition and support for all the wonderful work you do, to attempt to make the world a healthier place.

For more information about World Health Day 2020, refer to Reference below.

World Health Day 2020:Support Nurses and Midwives|WHO

World AIDS Day 2019 - Why Communities Should Strive To Make A Difference! WHO Infographics.

December 1st 2019 and yet again, another World AIDS Day but this time, the emphasis is on how communities around the world can make a difference in the lives of, people living with HIV and the different at risk populations. I woke up this morning, thinking about a little change of emphasis from, blowing the trumpet about prevention to, helping people already living with the condition. I opened my computer to find out what the theme is this year and surprisingly, it felt like my thoughts had been resonating with stakeholders.Truly, COMMUNITIES  MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! Find World Health Organisation  facts below to appreciate vital statistics and why communities must continue to come together to make the difference, in the all important fight against HIV/AIDS.



The ACCESS++ Strategy to end HIV can only be made possible if Communities continue to work together to make the difference. For more/detailed  information, click into the References below.

WHO|HIV/AID - Factsheets

WHO|World AIDS Day 2019

WHO|World AIDS Day Campaign -Messages For Policy Makers


SICKLE CELL AWARENESS - What Is The Professional Position On Romance? - Professor Akinyanju

September is "Sickle Cell Awareness - Month" and since the month began, a lot of vital information has been disseminated  to members of the public by stakeholders and related Organisations but out of the many, I am moved to re-visit the all time controversial topic of ROMANCE  between people with the AS, SS and SC genotypes. What is the true professional position about the matter? Watch the short video below to find out what the Founder/Chairman of The Sickle Cell Foundation of Nigeria,  Prof. Olu Akinyanju, had to say when I had a chat with him at The Lagos Network Centre of The Nigerian Television Authority over 5 years ago.

With regards to dating/marriage, I am not by this post, giving any form of advise to people living with the trait or disease. I am not saying," begin to date/marry or not" but there is a professional position  on the matter, that should serve as a guide for people in difficult romantic positions and needing to make a decision.  Knowledge is key and it can make all the difference in your approach towards getting a 360 degree view on  staying  physically and emotionally stable, as the case maybe. Tell me what you think in the comment section below but most importantly, continue  as much as possible , to do all that is required to stay well. From London with love - Cheers!

Dr. Oghenekevwe Daniel Ogidigben.

World Health Day 2019:Why Universal Health Coverage For Everyone Everywhere #HealthForAll

"I and my family have good access to Primary Health Care & so should everyone else in the world"- Dr. Kevwe

Today is World Health Day 2019 and on this special April 7th, the World Health Organisation (WHO) in partnership with all stakeholders have decided to switch all focus to UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE, with an emphasis on PRIMARY HEALTHCARE FOR EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE! The big question on many ignorant minds would be,"why universal health coverage for everyone, everywhere?" I perceive some Health related professionals responding by asking "why not?". The reality is that, if you happen to be part of the 100 million people or more worldwide,who have to struggle between going hungry or homeless, with not even enough funding to afford basic healthcare,  you will realise that there is need for every one who can help in anyway, to do what they can to ensure that, primary healthcare is accessible to everyone, everywhere all around the world; even if it means basic information of what to do and where to go, when the need arises. In line with this fact, WHO has urged all of us who can help with information dissemination, to do so actively because a problem better understood, is on it's way to hopefully being solved. The video below and other WHO Communication materials will summarise all you need to know about: the problem and global call to action on this special edition of World Health Day.











To lend a voice at once, you can sign the WHO "Health For All - Petition" by clicking in. Many thanks in advance.

* WHO|World Health Day:7th April 2019

WORLD AIDS DAY 2018:Why We Must All Know Our Status - WHO

Today is "WORLD AIDS DAY 2018" and this special 1st of December, The World Health Organisation (WHO) alongside her global partners have finally taken Public Health awareness action towards the dreaded fear that people feel, whenever the thoughts of taking the HIV test comes up. For some, the crippling fear is a bizarre feeling that sends bad signals down the spine and numbs the heart temporarily like...... Can you relate with this fear? If your answer is yes, then this year's theme is for you...."KNOW YOUR STATUS"!  The World Health Organisation(WHO) Infographics below emphasise: the gravity of the problem as a result of people not knowing their status and taking early measures where necessary; the  rate of disease occurrence amongst the most vulnerable group in one of the most affected regions of the world; risk factors that we must all know, as well as population demographics for people at risk; and finally a word of advise.

With the number of infected people known to be leading healthy lives on appropriate treatment, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) shouldn't be claiming 1 million lives every year in this day and age but what do statistics reveal? Even greater fear of routine testing to confirm status, especially amongst people in at-risk populations.

Girls between the ages of 15 to 24 years of age getting infected as the minutes go by everyday in Sub-Saharan Africa? This is a nasty sad story for another day but then it reiterates the fact that, people need to know their "RISKS". A negative status today without the knowledge of risks/vulnerable factors that make people prone to getting infected, might lead to ignorant change in status and we certainly don't want that. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) can be a thing of the past, if we all join hands to educate ourselves and help those already infected to get the best support they can. At least until medical science is able to come up with curative answers.

Unfortunately, certain category of people have been proven by Scientific demographic facts to be more at risk of getting infected. I am by no means trying to judge or stigmatise anyone but generally speaking, it is, what it is.

How can we reduce this dreaded statistic from 1 in 4 to 0?

The simple answer is getting tested and "KNOWING YOUR STATUS". Since prevention is always better than "no cure" in this case: Abstinence , Being faithful Or Condom use if we must, is the ultimate way forward.  There are now rapid tests kits available in patent chemist shops/Pharmacy stores in many parts of the world  that can be purchased and used even in the comfort of everyones home base so.....there is no excuse not to know your status. For more about WORLD AIDS DAY 2018, click on the References/Resources below. Being adequately informed can make a whole lot of difference. Do enjoy your day.

* WHO|WORLD AIDS DAY- "Know Your Status"

* WORLD AIDS DAY 2018|Rock The Ribbon

World Diabetes Day 2018:What You Should Know About Prevention As A Family - INFOGRAPHIC

What will "World Diabetes Day" be without talking prevention where possible? With approximately 150 million persons said to be living with the the condition worldwide, concerted efforts must be taken by families to prevent the numbers from getting to over 500 million by 2030 but just like any other thing in life, the factors that put people at risk of becoming Diabetic must be clearly understood, for preventive measures to be focused appropriately and eventually effective. The International Diabetes Federation Infographic below outlines some risk factors clearly.

Except for family history, the other risk factors enumerated above can be influenced by LIFESTYLE MODIFICATION, towards prevention of Diabetes Mellitus. Funny enough, one stone can be used to cause a positive ripple effect in this all important prevention drive and that's all shades of amazing, isn't it? Those who are overweight/obese must begin to exercise at least 30 minutes per day for at least 3 days of every week. This must be supported with a healthy diet mix of: daily portions of fruits; vegetables/salads regularly; fish and low salt with blood pressure control medications where necessary for those who are hypertensive. With all of this, it must be clearly stated that, being an occasional sweet tooth is very much allowed but moderation is key because you do not want to experience the repercussion of too much indulgence and sing the "had I know melody" to your regretting heart.

Prevention is certainly better than cure so, that's no doubts the way to go. Instead of going about it individually however, this World Diabetes Day, a family approach is being advised as an injury to one is practically an injury to all. Go on exercise walks together as a family. Couples should have more sex. The family diet should be sanitised as a unit and very importantly, routine hospital visits at least once or twice a year just for wellness sake, should be imbibed as family culture. For more information about World Diabetes Day 2018 and Diabetes Mellitus, click into the resources/References below.

* IDF|World Diabetes Day 2018

* WHO|World Diabetes Day 2018

* WHO|Diabetes Mellitus

World Diabetes Day 2018: What You Should Know About Diabetes Mellitus & The Family

Another "World Diabetes Day" but this year it's 2018. If you asked him about 20 years ago, November 14th wasn't a day to pay any interest at all. All he could remember from way back was that, his late grandmother always refused to buy him sugar as part of his provisions, in a bid to prevent Diabetes mellitus in the future but fast forward to just over 10 years ago, the symptoms seemed to be classical as his father breathed his last; protein deposition in the eyes...leading to poor vision (Cataracts); progressive weight loss despite feeling constantly famished and eating adequately. To crown it all, excessive urination following frequent drinking of water from constant thirst. This was nothing other than Diabetes Mellitus, even if the cause of his father's death wasn't officially stated. Ignorance was the actual killer in then days. This year the theme of World Diabetes Day 2018 is "Diabetes & The Family". I'll save the long stories for the International Diabetes Federation posters and Infographics to do the talking. Here's what you should know about the disease condition that has to do with poor/zero natural control of body sugar and how it concerns every family.

Could you really spot the warning signs if a relative or friend was coming down with symptoms? If your answer is no, then I suppose you are reading the right article and should be in a better position to suspect from today onwards. With an estimated 150 million people living with Diabetes mellitus globally, every possible help is needed, especially as management and support has to start from the family level.

Would you know what to do if one of yours became affected or is already affected? As the case may be....

The simplest way to go about care has been outlined in the information graphic below....

Daily treatment for some will involve: regular exercise and a dietician modified diet. According to the World Health Organisation, about 40% of Diabetics will however require oral tablets/medications to maintain blood sugar values within normal range and another estimated 40% will require INSULIN- the major chemical required by the body's cells to be able to absorb glucose. The condition has been noted to occur due to a total lack of this chemical (hormone) or what seems to be simple resistance to it's effects.   Whatever the case may be, regular visits to the hospital for routine wellness checks can make a difference and those diagnosed to be Diabetic can receive  lifesaving care. It is not a death sentence but if the predicted statistics must be reversed,then charity has to begin at home. Keep a tab with "Dr. Kevwe's Blog" for a short follow up on PREVENTION. Remember, it is always better than cure. You can also visit the References below for detailed literature about Diabetes Mellitus.

International Diabetes Federation|World Diabetes Day 2018

WHO|World Diabetes Day

WHO|Diabetes Mellitus-Fact sheet