Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Durdle Door: What You Should Know About This Jurassic Coast Fantasy Beach In Dorset - Video


Durdle Door is a natural limestone arch on the Jurassic Coast near Lulworth in Dorset, England. According to Wikipaedia, the arch stands about 200 feet (61 m) above sea level. I visited with family and friends sometime at the beginning of Summer and took a video note of all you should know about this fantasy stretch of beach land on the Jurassic Coast. Enjoy.

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TRAVEL:How To Turn Your Vacation Into A Healthy Experience - Chronicles Of My Last Dubai Trip

👀: Free Wall Paper

More times than often, travelling for vacation is considered to be a leisure activity reserved for only the financially able but after almost 6 months of steadfast work from my new base and a gruelling professional examination experience, I was in dire need of a healthy vacation and I could practically  feel the stress draining out of my soul as I dragged the family luggage towards the tidy metro area of the Dubai International Airport Arrival Lounge. I couldn't care less about not having all the funds I needed; my major goal was how to turn the vacation into a healthy experience whilst having all the fun I could. This is not a paid advert for the Dubai Department of Tourism but a chronicle summary of my last vacation and what I made of the opportunity health-wise.
Since stable Health is "a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity", to turn a vacation into a healthy experience, every tourist has to take stock of their physical, mental and social gains as the holiday goes by. This was my simple strategy. Let's see how I did and perhaps you could get a few cues to turn your next vacation into a healthy experience.  

Without knowing it, many of us get quite physically inactive with our everyday regular routines, so on this particular trip more than ever before, I was determined to take advantage of the pedometer on my I-phone and get the steps going. Check-In at the Rose Rayhaan by Rotana where we stayed was at 2pm Dubai time but we arrived at about 6:30am and by after 7a.m. we were practically done with immigration checking. My idea was to take the family straight to any restaurant around The Dubai Mall for breakfast and have a walk around before we retire to the hotel. We did just that, walking by the Dubai Mall Aquarium and heading straight outside to have a feel of the Dubai Fountains area for a daylight experience. The step count was slowly mounting up. After breakfast we headed to the Hotel, got checked into a room with the most amazing view I have ever had from a hotel, freshened up, had a much needed nap, dinner and then back to the Mall to experience an aspect of the trip I will mention below when I touch on mental health.  Why is PHYSICAL ACTIVITY important though and why should you make sight seeing on foot a very important aspect of your vacations, no matter where you go?    World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics reveal that, approximately 3.2 million deaths per year worldwide are due to physical inactivity. This probably sounds like a joke until you realise that - physical inactivity is estimated as being a major risk factor for developing: breast and colon cancer, 27% of diabetes and 30% of ischaemic heart disease(heart attacks) worldwide.  Being able to rent a car to take you around the city every single time you step out might feel like high level prestige but on this trip my brethren, I wasn't going to leave nothing to chance in turning this vacation into a healthy experience and by the end of our first day, this was my physical activity report card. Make no mistake about it, we certainly had to take Taxis in between. By the time we got back to the hotel, though our legs were aching, excellent oxygen-rich blood had circulated around our bodies and we had certainly surpassed WHO recommendations for daily steps per day. 

Though it was my third visit but I realised that with every return trip, the scenery you experience as you enter the city and head Downtown kind of has a positively transformational effect on the mental faculty; if you know, you know 😀....Previously, I had thought this was the case because I was visiting from Nigeria on the last 2 occasions but here I was, visiting from the United Kingdom and my first expression was "woow"; my eyes were sending signals to my brain that in turn sent beautiful signals to it's own faculties and the overall effect was a deep sense of mental relief. The same effect you have when you go on wonderful sight seeing anywhere else in the world. You practically forget all your worries and just bask in the moment. The next visually exciting moment was our hotel room and the mind blowing view from the 33rd floor of the 65 storey high Rose Rayhaan by Rotana; and then the Dubai Aquarium that houses a large variety of water living creatures including: sharks,sting rays as well as other species too numerous to mention. To crown it all, was the superlative Dubai Fountain and Burj Khalifa light show, where water in fountain format was made to dance amazingly to soothing music, whilst an amazing light show was been simultaneously displayed on the front surface of the tallest building in the world- The Burj Khalifa. I will allow the pictures below to give you a better insight to what this all looks like and hopefully I will find time to edit a short video for my YouTube channel.   After all the sightseeing and more, my challenges may not have disappeared after the trip but the sheer amazement in the fact that, a set of people could live beyond their own challenges over time and make things look this beautiful for their satisfaction gave me a deep sense of hope that, with a little focus and determination, no future challenge was insurmountable! This gave me a deep feeling of mental relief and relaxation. I don't know how other visitors have felt but for me, the feeling is unexplainable.

The room views above and then the mind blowing scenery when I looked outside the glass wall...shown below 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Dubai Fountain by Miroslav Petrasco 👀:
Don't get me wrong people, a vacation is by no means the recommended or definitive treatment for anyone who has been diagnosed with some form of mental health challenge or even those yet to be diagnosed. Seeking help from your Healthcare Practitioner should be your first go to but for those struggling with one decision or the other and needing a clearer mind to gain fair perspective, a vacation might make a difference and sightseeing is a great way to go.

January 13 is my birthday and part of this trip was to have a memorable time for this year's celebration so, in addition to some of the already above mentioned sightseeing activites that had a social aspect, we also did some socialising by catching up with family who live and work in Dubai. High point was visiting The Salt Bae Restaurant/Nusr-et Dubai Steak House at the Four Seasons Jumeirah Resort with family on my birthday for the very popular steak experience. Their Salmon was amazing as well.
The Salt Bae Ottoman Rib eye steak by Nate Skid-👀:



I currently live in Europe and I have been to a few places in Africa and the U.S.A. for visits. I have been to the U.A.E. before but this trip felt different and so will the rest of the trips God willing. Take advantage of every moment you can to turn your vacation into not only an enjoyable but also a healthy experience. I can testify of the benefits, so should you.

* WHO|New Physical Activity Recommendations For Reducing Disease And Preventing Death

* TRAVELEXUSA|Why Is Travel Good For Your Health

Throwback Thursday In New York - 2 Locations That Can Reduce Your Stress Levels From 150% To Zero

Leisure Travel and enormous levels of stress relief  go hand in hand as propagated by people who have had the opportunity to tour but I was one of the many who felt that, mere sight seeing could possibly make no difference about how I felt in my body, until I visited New York and found two locations that practically reduced my stress levels from 150% to zero! Perhaps the images by the Panasonic lens of an African Medic in wonderland will speak for themselves.
📷 (@drkevwe)

First location was the Brooklyn Bridge area from where I took the lovely image above - the definition of one of the many views of a typical New York Skyline , as documented by my Panasonic GH4 Camera and "11-42mm" lens. What was it about standing on an ordinary bridge to view ordinary sky high buildings anyway? Was it any different from standing on the 3rd Mainland Bridge in Lagos, Nigeria, to take a good look at the UBA building and the rest of it's neighbouring properties in Marina? Was the Brooklyn Bridge really an ordinary bridge and the New York skyline an ordinary view though? Apparently not! I believe without a doubt that, chemicals with properties of  relaxing the entire body and mind were certainly being secreted by my brain for every minute I remained in that environment because I totally forgot of my every worry in the world to the extent that, I almost missed a flight. This phenomenon may have been the same for every tourist on that bridge, as no one seemed to be in a hurry to leave, whether white or black skinned person. My stress levels had gone from 150% to zero!
📷: The Brooklyn Bridge by @drkevwe -

Second location was Time Square in the heart of Manhattan, especially in the night. Ask people who have ever been to this massive shopping and leisure district in where many tourist refer to as the centre of New York City; time flies like no man business and even in the thick of freezing winter cold  at the time I visited, 3 hours went by like 30 minutes and I was still reluctant to leave. What was I looking at really?  There certainly was the calming effect of brain chemicals been secreted as my eyes 👀 were constantly in fascination by the: colourful buildings, lighting, pictures, people, street music,massive screen displays on high rise name it.

In summary, leisure travel really does lead to massive levels of stress relief. I will spare you the bunch of suggested hypothesis/possible scientific theories put forward by travel enthusiast but a trial will sure convince you. Your favourite destination might be different from mine. Your magic bridge and skyline might be different from mine. Your journey doesn't have to be International necessarily . Important thing is to take some time off your regular schedule and see a few dream places of yours because life is too short to continue in stress 24 hours of 7 days of 52 weeks in a year; year in year out. It's Thursday night in London and I decided to start my first travel narrative on this Blog/memory of wonderful stress reliving travel with a throwback to New York. If you love to travel, feel free to share your favourite experience and magical stress reliving moments in the comment section below. We will continue to share fun travel memories in the "Travel and Tourism" section of "DR KEVWE'S BLOG" so stick with us and remain Healthertained all the way. For details about the Health benefits of travel, visit the references below to see what others are saying in written words.

By: Dr. Oghenekevwe Daniel Ogidigben

NBC NEWS| 5 Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Travelling Abroad

FLIGHT CENTRE CANADA| The Health Benefits Of Travel

How Donegal Is Leading The Fightback For Rural Ireland

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.